Using threads for basic tasks on the Blackberry is not necessarily as difficult as it may first appear. You can leverage RIM's net.rim.device.api.system.Application class to synchronize with the EventLock and perform whatever tasks your threading model requires. Of course when programming games or intricate UI component interaction using threads can be complex and downright challenging. Thankfully, for most apps you're likely to do simple threading tasks that don't require such interaction. In order to modify UI components you must perform all the work within the UI thread and there are two general rules that you'll have to follow:
1) Modify UI components using the invokeLater() method, 2)Never call an HTTP request within the UI thread.

The invokeLater() method is used when changes are made to the UI outside of the main UI thread. It places your runnable object into your application's main event queue and is processed after all events pending in the main queue are complete. In other words, it's similar to regular Java threads where you use the join() method so your code waits for other threads to complete before grabbing the eventlock. Making HTTP requests within the UI thread will most assuredly make your application slow down and could make it crash. Instead of using invokeLater() or other methods to grab the UI thread you'll want to do something like the following:

new Thread(){
public void run(){
HttpConnection http_con = (HttpConnection)"");

Here we're creating a new thread that opens the HTTP connection but it will run as a background process and not tie up system resources on the main UI thread. For more details on opening HTTP check out the HTTPDemo included in the RIM samples that are part of your component pack download for Eclipse.


For the example we'll be using the code from a previous tutorial on Listfields and will modify it to make updates to the list from a thread. Take a few minutes to read through that code, copy it and place it into a new Blackberry project in Eclipse - otherwise you can get the sample code in it's entirety here.

Thread.sleep() will be used to simulate your code performing data processing or making an HTTP connection that will occur in the background of the app. Once that's complete the listfield will be updated with a simple string that will include the thread name and an element number that is incremented for each update so you can see the thread working. It wouldn't take much modification to modify the code below and, for example, make a connection to Twitter via their API to grab updates to the people you follow, then update the list with that content.

You might ask, "How does the ListField know when to update itself?" - what I'm doing in the code is leveraging the Observer design pattern to attach the ListField as a "observer" to the Thread we create. It will "listen" to the Thread until it's notified of an update and then will add the new message to the list and redraw itself. Here's an image that will serve to give you an overview of what the Observer pattern is doing, courtesy of

For the sample code, the Subject shown in the image above will be the Thread we create and the Observer is the ListField itself - once the Thread has slept (simulating the HTTP connection or data processing task) it will notify the Listfield of the change. To do this appropriately we'll create an interface for the ListField to implement containing the update() method and will create the addObserver(), removeObserver() and notifyObservers() methods in the Thread class. The reason we use the interface here is that many different Classes might need to observe the Thread's progress and could be attached as Observers. The Thread loops through the attached Observers and informs them of the changes via the the update() method. The end result will be a ListField that auto updates elements every 10 seconds as in the screenshot below:

In this sample we don't necessarily have to use the interface since we're only attaching one Observer but it's good practice to see how it works. If you're not familiar with the Observer pattern take a few minutes and read through the following links: Background on Design Patterns GangofFour - Observer Pattern, PDF on Observer Pattern

Subject Code - Create the Thread

First we need to add a private class that is used to implement the Thread itself. Following the Observer pattern we'll add the methods 'addObserver(MyListField mlf)' and 'removeObserver(MyListField mlf)' that permit the thread to add/remove Observers to itself and a 'notifyObservers()' function that will inform observers that are attached to the Thread that a change has occurred. Here's the code:

//Runnable class
private class CheckForUpdates implements Runnable{

private String updatedMessage;
private Vector observers;

public CheckForUpdates(){
observers = new Vector();

//Attach the observer to the class
public void addObserver(MyListField mlf){

//Not used for this example - remove an observer
public void removeObserver(MyListField mlf){

//Go through vector of observers and call update on them
//Sending the updatedMessage String.
public void notifyObservers(){
for(int i=0;i ((MyListField)observers.elementAt(i)).update(updatedMessage);

//Overridden runnable method. Simulates checking external resource(such as HTTP call to remote server)
//using the sleep() method then changes the message and notifies the attached observers.
public void run(){
int counter = 0;
//Simulate an HTTP connection OR data processing
updatedMessage = Thread.currentThread().getName() + "- Element " + Integer.toString(counter);

//Simply return if interrupted.
catch (InterruptedException e){


Note that we're creating a private Vector to hold the observers that are attached to the instance of the thread although there will be only one observer for the example. Additionally, if you take a look at the run() method, you'll see that we loop indefinitely, calling Thread.sleep(10000) and when the Thread wakes it increments the counter, updates the message to pass to the observers, and calls the 'notifyObservers()' method. If this were production you'd want to add some code that can stop the Thread based on a keystroke, menu option, or some other method, otherwise it will eventually consume all the resources available.

Observer Code - Create the Interface and Update Method

The next step is to create the Observer interface and the update() method, in this case contained in the MyListField class. Here's the code:

public interface ObserverInterface{

public void update(String message);

private class MyListField extends ListField implements ObserverInterface{
//Update function takes in a message to add to the list,
//inserts it into the list, and calls invalidate to repaint the list
public void update(final String message){
final int i = this.getSize();
final ListCallback mlc = (ListCallback)this.getCallback();
final MyListField mlf = this;
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable(){
public void run(){



The update() method grabs the UiApplication event lock by calling 'invokeLater()' with a new Runnable() where we insert the String into the List. Thus, the main UI thread will complete whatever functions it's performing and pass the lock to our thread which updates the List and redraws it to the screen.

Constructor code

Finally, add the following to the constructor of the ListFieldTest class:

//Declare the Runnable Thread
CheckForUpdates cfu = new CheckForUpdates();

//Attach the Observer - in this case myList is the observer

//Declare a new thread with our Runnable as input and start thread
Thread t = new Thread(cfu);

That's all there is to it. We create an instance of our Thread, attach the List as an Observer so the thread can call the List's update() function when there's a change, and simply start the thread. Side Note: Java has Observer/Observable as part of the language specification however RIM does not and as a result you can't leverage the code that's already out there. Nonetheless, implementing the pattern wasn't too difficult, at least for this simple example, and understanding how design patterns work will really make life easier.

User Defined Buttons - Create a Custom Button From an Image

While it's tempting to use the standard built-in ButtonField class to create user-selectable buttons for your application so you can rapidly release it to the public, I'd recommend delving into creating your own. Going through the process will give you a good understanding of how listeners work and how to detect and react to user input within the Blackberry environment. I'll provide a simple example of just how to do that with a comparison between using our custom button versus the ButtonField class. The end result of our efforts will be a screen with a custom search button and a standard ButtonField button, as shown below:

Note that all the code in each sections below is intended to be combined into one file within the project space.

Create the Custom Button png Using Inkscape

As I've stated in other posts, I recommend using Inkscape for creating the custom vector graphics you'll use on your applications as it's free and is really a great substitute for Illustrator. For this example I crafted two custom search buttons in just a few minutes using the standard "magnifying glass" as inspiration to distinguish it's use for search. One of the images has grey highlights and the other has a glow effect which our app will switch to when the user rolls over it.

Make sure that you keep the end user in mind when you're designing the buttons since you want to make sure they are immediately recognizable for the respective action they are supposed to perform - you don't want to confuse the user because they'll turn off your app before spending 10 minutes trying to figure out how it's supposed to work. I'm not going to post the images I created as separate files to download - instead take some time to learn Inkscape and come up with a few on your own. The time you invest will pay off later (if you insist on being lazy you could cut it out of the image above and convert to .png).

Create the Main Class and First Part of Constructor

Again, this is a simplified example and as a result we are doing most of the work within the constructor of the custom Button class. We are creating MyCustomButton as a private class of the overall MyButton class and if you want to jump ahead to see that code it's at the bottom of the post. In this first part the constructor creates a HorizontalFieldManager that will have a gradient background painted on and will act as the container to layout the buttons. Note that I've tried to document the code with lots of descriptive comments to help understand what's going on.

import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
import net.rim.device.api.system.Display;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.*;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*;

public class MyButton extends UiApplication {

public static void main(String[] args){

//main entry point
MyButton theApp = new MyButton();


public MyButton(){
//Declare the Custom button and send it the path to the icon images
MyCustomButton mcb = new MyCustomButton("search_button_on.png", "search_button_off.png");

//Declare the normal ButtonField with name
ButtonField bf = new ButtonField("Search");

//Get the device width and height
final int width = Display.getWidth();
final int height = Display.getHeight();

//Create the mainScreen - this holds the _hfm manager
MainScreen mainScreen;
mainScreen = new MainScreen();

HorizontalFieldManager _hfm;

//Draw background gradient on this manager
_hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager() {

public void paint(Graphics g)

//Variables for drawing the gradient
int[] X_PTS_MAIN = { 0, width, width, 0};
int[] Y_PTS_MAIN = { 0, 0, height, height };
int[] drawColors_MAIN = { Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK, Color.DARKBLUE, Color.DARKBLUE};

try {
//Draw the gradients
g.drawShadedFilledPath(X_PTS_MAIN, Y_PTS_MAIN, null, drawColors_MAIN, null);

} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
System.out.println("Bad arguments.");

//Call super to paint the graphics on the inherited window


//Sublayout is passed the width and height of the parent window and will tell the window manager
//how to layout the buttons, images, etc.
protected void sublayout(int w, int h) {

//GetFieldCount returns the number of fields attached to the instance of this manager.
//and lays out the position
if (getFieldCount() >0) {

//Get the custom button we've created and add it at coordinate (100,160)
Field customButton = getField(0);
layoutChild(customButton, w, h);

//Get the standard Blackberry Button we've created and add to coordinate(220,160)
Field standardButton = getField(1);
layoutChild(standardButton, w, h);





Declare the Buttons and FieldChangeListeners

Finish off the constructor portion by declaring two custom FieldChangeListeners, setting the Listeners to the Buttons, adding the buttons to the HorizontalFieldManager, and adding the HFM to the main Screen. The FieldChangeListener will perform the action defined in the fieldChanged() method. when the user clicks the button.

Here we are triggering a Dialog alert so when the user clicks either of the buttons they'll get this:

In real code you'll do something more realistic such as push a new screen to the stack that performs whatever functionality you intend for the buttons.

FieldChangeListener customListener = new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {

Dialog.alert("Success!!! You clicked the Custom Button!!!");


FieldChangeListener standardListener = new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {

Dialog.alert("Success!!! You clicked the Standard Button!!!");


//Add our custom button to the HorizontalFieldManager
//Push the HorizontalFieldManager to the stack

}//End Ctor

Create the Custom Button Class

The meat of the code lies within the MyCustomButton class that extends the abstract Field class and implements the DrawStyle interface. We're taking two strings in the constructor that are the paths to the image files and using the Bitmap class method "getBitmapResource()" to import the images and set them to our private onPicture and offPicture variables.

The getPreferredHeight() and getPreferredWidth() methods return 80 since the images I've created for the custom button are 80x80px but you'll want to set these to the size of your button image. The most critical methods of the code and what they do are as follows:

  • onFocus() and onUnfocus(): these functions set the _currentPicture variable to the correct image when the user rolls over the button using the paint() method. The image is redrawn after the change by calling the invalidate() method

  • paint(): draws whatever image the _currentPicture variable is set to onthe screen.

  • fieldChangeNotify() and navigationCLick(): alerts this registered button's listener we've attached that the user has clicked the button. The listener code is subsequently triggered - the Dialog alert is shown to the user.

Refer to the attached custom Button code:

//Custom private class that creates the button and switches the image depending
//on the return value of onFocus()
private class MyCustomButton extends Field implements DrawStyle{

private Bitmap _currentPicture;
private Bitmap _onPicture; //image for "in focus"
private Bitmap _offPicture; //image for "not in focus"
private int width;
private int height;

//Ctor: pass path to on/off images you're using.
MyCustomButton (String onImage, String offImage){
_offPicture = Bitmap.getBitmapResource(offImage);
_onPicture = Bitmap.getBitmapResource(onImage);
_currentPicture = _offPicture;


public int getPreferredHeight(){
return 80;

public int getPreferredWidth(){
return 80;

public boolean isFocusable(){
return true;

//Override function to switch picture
protected void onFocus(int direction){
_currentPicture = _onPicture;
//Override function to switch picture
protected void onUnfocus(){
_currentPicture = _offPicture;

protected void layout(int width, int height) {
setExtent(Math.min( width, getPreferredWidth()), Math.min( height, getPreferredHeight()));

//update the fieldchange
protected void fieldChangeNotify(int context) {
try {
this.getChangeListener().fieldChanged(this, context);
} catch (Exception exception) {

//Since button is rounded we need to fill corners with dark color to match
protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
graphics.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
graphics.drawBitmap(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), _currentPicture, 0, 0);

//Listen for navigation Click
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time){
return true;



I think you'll agree that the custom button looks much slicker than using the stock Blackberry buttons - if done right it will give your app a great degree of elegance.